Colombian Emerald Pendant 19603

Lee Wasson with over 4 decades of experience, offers the most dazzling jewelry and Colombian Emeralds”

K = Carat

Carat in relation to Gold is a measurement of Quality.

  • 24 Carat Gold is 100% pure yellow gold.
  • 18 Carat Yellow Gold is 75% pure YW gold plus 25% cooper and silver alloy.
  • 18 Carat White Gold is 75% pure YW gold plus 25% palladium and silver alloy.

Total Carat Weight / Emeralds

Carat in relation to gemstones is the measurement of their weight.

  • 1 Gram = 5 Carats.
  • 1 Carat = is further subdivided into 100 points.


Refers to the symmetry, proportioning and polish of an emerald and greatly influences the color, brilliance, visibility of inclusions, weight retention and overall beauty of the finished stone.


Depends on the form of the rough Emerald, the exact design will vary depending on a particular emerald's natural characteristics, the cutter's experience and personal preferences.

Pear Cut

Is a modified brilliant cut combining the best of the Oval and the Marquise shapes, it is formed like a sparkling teardrop.

Color / Tone
  • Color: Specialist in Fine Colombian Emeralds subjectively classifies Colombian Emeralds into 3 hues of green; Herb Green, Blue Green, Yellow Green.
  • Tone: Is the depth of each hue SFCE subjectively grades from (1) lightest to (10) darkest.

Every Colombian Emerald´s color is unique, its evaluation is subjective and requires years of experience, continuos viewing and comparison.

Clarity is affected by inclusions

Inclusions are flaws and or foreign material inside Emeralds crystalline structure.
Specialist in Fine Colombian Emeralds subjectively estimates the quantity of inclusions, as:

  • (*) Free of Inclusions.
  • (*) Lightly Included 1 to 3.
  • (*) Moderately Included 1 to 3.
  • ( ) Highly Included 1 to 3.
  • (*) Asterisk denotes desirability.

Every Inclusion in Colombian Emeralds are unique their quantification is subjective and requires years of experience, continuos viewing and comparison.

Brilliance:     Is the Light Reflected Value

Specialist in Fine Colombian Emeralds subjetively determines as the approx. % of light returned to the observer as result of internal reflections.
Window: The approx. % of light that leaks through the bottom or sides of the stone.
Extintion: The approx. % of dark areas in the stone.
Every Colombian Emerald is tailor cut to its individual needs. Evaluation is subjective and requires years of experience, continuos viewing and comparison.

Possible Origins:
  • Colombia
  • Brazil
  • Sandawana
  • Afganistan
  • Russia
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • North Carolina
  • Zambia

Main Minning Areas:
  • Muzo
  • Chivor
  • Cosquez
  • Gachala


Are flaws and or foreign material inside Emeralds crystalline structure.
Specialist in Fine Colombian Emeralds subjectively estimates the quantity of inclusions, as :

  • (*) Free of Inclusions.
  • (*) Lightly Included 1 to 3.
  • (*) Moderately Included 1 to 3.
  • (  ) Highly Included 1 to 3
  • (*) Asterisk denotes desirability.

Types of Inclusions:
Three Phase inclusions consist of a gas, liquid and a crystal enclosed inside the stone.
Pirite, Calcite, Quartz, Parisite, Albite, Dolomite, Shale are also found and are conclusive evidence of natural origin.
Every Inclusion in Colombian Emeralds are unique, their quantification is subjective and requires years of experience, continuos viewing and comparison.


Occurring naturaly in nature.


Man made materials with the same physical, optical and chemical properties of it´s natural counterpart.


Specialist in Fine Colombian Emeralds identifies surface reaching inclusions susceptible to enhancement and subjectively quantifies the amount of treatment received, as :

  • (*) None.
  • (*) Minor.
  • (*) Moderate.
  • (  ) Significant.
  • (*) Asterisk denotes desirability.

Clarity enhancement is always present unless specified.
The Colombian Emerald contains surface reaching inclusions routinely filled with colourless oils or permanent epoxy resins to diminish or dissimulate the visibility of inclusions and permit the passage of light throught the stone.

Measured in millimeters.

Total Carat Weight / Diamonds:

Carat in relation to Gemstones is the measurement of their Weight.

  • 1 Gram = 5 Carats.
  • 1 Carat is further subdivided into 100 points.

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Colombian Emerald Pendant

 A 1.82 carat Pear shape Colombian Emerald creates an irresistible look of Asian luxury in this extraordinary 18K white gold filigree emerald pendant necklace. The lovely center stone is accentuated by 0.98 carats of White H color – Vsi 1 clarity brilliant cut diamonds that envelop the lovely Chivor Emerald for a sensational effect that will sweep her off her feet!