In compliance with the General Habeas Data Regime, regulated by Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees; the signature identified with the name of Specialist in Fine Colombian Emerald and email address as a company that stores and collects data of a personal nature, and as RESPONSIBLE, must inform you of the following:
Personal data requested while browsing the Specialist in Fine Colombian Emerald website (, will be treated according to the purposes related to the corporate purpose of the Company and in particular to respond to the concerns raised through this channel; and send information that is considered of interest through electronic newsletters. The personal and contact information requested will be kept in the company’s database as long as a contractual or legal relationship with the shareholder or interested party holding the information is maintained, and in any case for a maximum period of twenty (20) years after the end of such relationship with the sole purpose of attending to requests from authorities and / or statistical purposes.
As the owner of the information, you have the rights to know, update, and rectify your personal data; request the revocation of the authorization and / or request the deletion of the data when the constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees are not respected in the treatment carried out; and access your personal data subject to treatment for free.
In case you want to submit Queries, Complaints or Claims you can do them Here.